Nuclear Nerdery: Nuclear

Nuclear Index

The index is organized from most to least recent. Each entry includes the date at the end.

Nuclear Research Group: Part 3

A lot happened between the last update and this update. I finished the summer research project! I'm quite proud of my presentation (which was over hybrid fission-fusion reactors as used for nuclear thermal propulsion), especially considering I finished it alone. Both of the other group members dropped out before we began systhesizing the research into a presentation, which happened to be right as I left the country for a vacation. It was difficult to finish the presentation when I didn't have Wi-Fi the majority of the time, but I'm proud I was able to get it done. I'm continuing the program and writing a research paper on the topic, though I'll probably narrow it down to hybrid fission-fusion reactors. -09/19/24

Nuclear Research Group: Part 2

We just had our first meeting!! We decided to narrow our focus a bit to a specific type of small modular reactor or microreactor, and a part to hold it within a rocket. The project includes literature research and a presentation at the end, with an optional research paper. My group decided to do the research paper as well, which I am over the moon about. Everyone in my group is wonderful, and my advisor is SO kind and helpful. I'm going to narrow down the project even more (leaning towards molten salt reactors or capillary heat pipe microreactors) in the coming days and begin my literature review! I'm so excited!! -06/21/24

Nuclear Research Group

I just joined a research group, run by the Society of Women Engineers. As of now, we plan to focus on nuclear power as it relates to space exploration, which is very exciting. I'll update this as my research goes on. -06/19/24