Nuclear Nerdery: TTRPG


The index is organized from most to least recent. Each entry includes the date at the end.

Starfallen and DM Tips

I began playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends in January of 2024. I had played the game ever since 2018, but was never very consistent. Scheduling issues, COVID, and some party members leaving for college tended to kill games before they even begun. But we managed to meet somewhat consistently, and have our 7th session coming up towards the end of September. I consider myself to be a decent DM. I still have a lot of room to improve, but I can run a good enough game where the players have fun, which is my top priority. But I'm improving with each session, and the last one taught me something very important.

Planning for each specific scenario is less important than creating the world around the characters. Instead of trying to anticipate what the players would do, like I usually did, I simply focused on creating a compelling world, with a compelling faction and a compelling villain. And the result? Players who were engaged, and a significantly smaller amount of panicking on my end. [CONTINUE + EDIT]